Youth Survey In the Palestinian Community in Israel

Since the beginning of its journey, the Galilee Society has realized the great strategic importance of producing information and utilizing it in development and planning to benefit the Palestinian society in Israel. The Rikaz Center has been established to provide highly reliable, up to date and representable data in various aspects of life: social, economic, health and environmental.

Below are the most prominent results

The number of the Palestinian youth group in Israel (not including Jerusalem and the Golan) is estimated at the end of 2019 at 439,200, who constitute 28.4% of the total Palestinian population in Israel, with a distribution of 48.9% females compared to 51.1% males, and in terms of social status, 47.6% of the youth are Single and 39.2% are married, and the percentage of divorced reaches 2.5%.

In terms of the economic aspect, 61.1% of the youth stated that their income as a family is below the general average. The participation rate in the labor market reached 64.7% among Palestinian youth in Israel between the ages of 18-35 years, with 77.8% of males compared to 51.1% of females. . It is noteworthy that 83.8% of working youth are wage employees, of whom 23.2% work as wages in the government sector, 40.2% work in the Arab private sector, and 20.4% work as wages in the Jewish private sector, while 14.1% are independent and self-employed. According to the data, the average net monthly income of a young individual is 6,979 shekels, and the individual’s income increases with age and educational attainment.

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